The March 2021 meeting of the WNY Region SCCA was called to order by David at 7:35 pm on March 1, 2021. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the meeting was held virtually via Zoom Meeting.
Minutes: A motion to accept the minutes from the February meeting was submitted by Jim and seconded by Carrie. The motion was passed by acclamation.
Treasurer: The treasurer submitted his monthly report. We have money and are filing taxes.
Membership: 216 members.
Club Racing: None.
Ice Racing: Some racing may or may not have happened. Some may happen this weekend as well.
Solo: Schedules are out. We still don’t know anything on potential entry caps at this point and don’t expect to until much closer to the first event. We have new loaner helmets coming.
NEDIV: There is talk about doing something for annual awards for the 2020 North East racing season that was had.
New Business: Jack Lawrence passed away recently. We will purchase a stone for him on the Watkins Glen Drivers Walk of Fame.
Old Business: None submitted.
Announcements: None.
Adjournment: A motion to adjourn the meeting was submitted at 7:46 pm by Jeremy and seconded by Carrie. The motion was passed by acclamation.