- Event Chair – In charge or coordinating everything for the event, like a project manager.
- Safety Steward – Requires a license, responsible for safety.
- Course Designer – Designs and sets up the course on the day prior to the event (normally).
- Course Setup – Assists the course designer with setting up cones, cleaning the lot, etc, prior to event.
- Timing Chief – Manages all things timing related. Responsible for equipment, setup, and solving issues as they arise during the event.
- Timing (Computer) – Runs the computer during the event. Enters car numbers and penalties.
- Timing (Audit) – Writes down every car number in sequence.
- Timing (Announcer) – Reads the finishing times from the computer over the PA system.
- Worker Chief – Assigns work positions for each heat, makes sure every position has coverage, and keeps tabs on anyone that hasn’t reported for work.
- Tech Inspector – before the event starts, all cars need to be checked for safety.
- Registration / Check In – During Tech, everyone gets checked in and their car number/class is confirmed against registration.
- Corner Captain – Has radio and red flag. Calls in penalties. Makes sure the other workers are paying attention.
- Course Worker – resets cones that get hit.
- Starter – Holds cars at the start line until its safe to send the next car.
- Grid – Send cars up to the start line, and helping coordinate paring instructors.
- Waivers – Sit at the entrance and make sure everyone signs the waiver and gets a wristband.
- Novice Chief – Helps novices by coordinating instructors, leading the novice walk, and being a general resource.
- Instructor – qualified driver that rides along with anyone looking for help, but primarily novices.